Cultural Impact




Helfrich, H., Hölter, E., Arzhenovskiy, I. V. (Eds.): 

Impact of Culture on Human Interaction: Clash or Challenge?, Cambridge, MA, Hogrefe & Huber, 2008. 

Влияние культур на взаимоотношения людей: конфликт или шанс?
Под ред. А. Дахина, Х. Хельфрих, И. Арженовского, Э  Хёльтера.
Нижний Новгород: ННГАСУ, 2008.

Vliyaniye kul'tur na vzaimootnosheniya lyudey: konflikt ili shans?
Dakhin, A.V., Helfrich, H., Arzhenovskiy, I.V., Hölter, E. (Eds.):
Wlijanije kul'tur na wsaimootnoshjenjaljudjej: konflikt ili shans? Nizhny Novgorod: NNGASU, 2008.


Nizhny Novgorod, November 27-29, 2006
Симпозиум / Symposium
Влияние культур на взаимоотношения людей: конфликт или шанс?
Cultural impact on human interaction: Clash or challenge?

Will cultural diversity inevitably result in a "clash" (antagonism) between cultural groups, or can we rise to the "challenge" of applying global standards of thought and behavior across diverse cultures? This is the main question examined in this unique book. Based on experiences and research in the context of the political, social, and economic reconstruction of the former Soviet Union, the book focuses on the risks and opportunities of intercultural cooperation and cultural diversity. The first part examines the administrative and political reforms in contemporary Russia from a comparative viewpoint. Capturing the polarities between governmental centralization and social self-organization, the contributions diagnose the roots of social conflicts in Russia and other countries and try to identify societal characteristics that may provide opportunities for mutual transfer of knowledge between East and West. The second part analyzes universal versus culture-specific aspects of human resource management. It addresses similarities and differences in values, work motivation, and decision-making in different cultures. As well as outlining future trends of cultural divergence and cultural convergence, possible means of promoting cultural synergy and concrete examples of this in the fields of economics and education are presented and evaluated. The uniqueness of the book lies in its interdisciplinary and international perspectives: Experts in the fields of sociology, philosophy, economics, psychology, political science, and administration from Russia, Moldavia, Germany, The Netherlands, USA, China, South Korea, and Japan help to bridge the gap between different disciplines as well as between different countries. Providing new theoretical insights as well as practical advice, this volume is of interest for a wide audience, including researchers and students of the above fields, as well as managers in business, administration, and education.